There are simple tasks that we perform every day without even thinking about it. Take writing as an example. For most of us, the building blocks to writing started in Pre-School or by a parent handing us a crayon and asking us to trace letters. We learned how to properly hold a writing instrument and we struggled until we could master control over our developing skill.

For those with dysgraphia or dyslexia, keeping up with learning and written expression can be a great challenge. With the study of e-learning contents for people with disabilities, technology is being put to use to help children and adults who suffer from these learning disabilities to be able to write and even make learning to write fun for them while they are doing it.

When The Pen Feels Like A Sword

For a person with a learning disability like dysgraphia, or an inability to write coherently, being asked to pick up a pen or pencil and write words on a page can be an anxiety-producing experience. Imagine struggling to make arches and lines in all the right places in your mind while watching it all fall apart into illegible scribbles on a page. For many with this issue, the only recourse for them is to stop writing altogether. Sadly, there are many who are not able to write at all due to some form of dysgraphia.

Thankfully, with such robust integration of technology into our every day lives, apps and software are now available to help those with dysgraphia be able to express themselves creatively with words.

Students who need help building the fine motor skills they need to be able to write proficiently can now use software get their hand muscles ready for pencil-holding.

There are companies, which allows the learner to increase their muscle development through the use of hand exercises developed for use on the iPad or iPod. Students can use the interactive tool to gain the confidence and strength they need for writing.

When Handwriting Isn’t Possible

Sometimes being able to hold a pen is not possible. Where students like this would often withdraw, voice recognition software allows them speak-to-text technology so that their inner thoughts can be conveyed onto a page.

Dragon Dictation a software is the leader in this space and makes the challenge of e-learning contents for people with disabilities less of a barrier to learning retention for the student who is unable to write or type. Finally, children and adults who have been unable to write or type their thoughts and answers are able to see their words materialize and be recorded for someone else to read.

These two examples of e-learning contents for people with disabilities prove that more autonomy and freedom for children and adults with learning challenges is possible with technology. Occupational therapists and educational professionals are seeing the immense gains that can be made for the learner who employs the use of technology to help them gain an edge in their learning environment.

Dorado Learning, LLC a Delaware incorporated ELearning Company based in New Jersey follows a combination of Hardware and software’s to provide eLearning content for people with disabilities, a standardized design approach helps students to grab the learning objectives with ease.